Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"Keep Up With the Joneses"

I'd been planning a post in this regard for some time, but the prospect of moving the first hull outside has me a bit concerned about the neighbors. As I plan to finish the cabin outside in the driveway, I figure having one hull outside for 3 months will be a good test of how things go over.

My neighbor, Mr Jones has a pretty nice house

It had been on the market for $2,500,000 but I guess they've now decided to keep it a while longer. He specifically told me "You won't have a problem with me" when I started the boat, but I didn't really mention the full scope of the project.

I was also in the city office the other day checking what rules might pertain to having a 34' catamaran parked up in your yard for several months. When I said I had a few boats and just want to "make sure I was OK" they said they were surprised I hadn't had any complaints from my neighbors already.

And I only have a 13' Whaler and a Trac 14 at the moment. The Vardo will take up all the space from the house walls to the back of the cars in this picture.

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