Tuesday, March 20, 2012

1/2 Hull

So I have half of half the boat (one hull) fiberglassed. I also tried out some of the 10 gallons of primer I bought last week. It's light blue as opposed to the more common grey or white, but looks nice and was a good deal. I have just one section of chine joints to do on the inside before rolling the hull the other way later this week or over the weekend. Progress is likely to slow right down for a few months while I complete another job and I fear it will be too hot to get much done after that. Hopefully get bunk tops, cabin sole, etc fitted in the evening at least.
This was the first (aft) section I did to the forward end of the bridgedeck cutout. Using tropical hardener I was able to work this 20' long piece in 80 degree F weather. I may still try and do the other side in one piece, but see how the weather is.

I also taped the outside of the hull seams on top of the fiberglass sheathing while it was all still wet.

I didn't put as much fairing into the weave when wet on this aft section as I did when I did the bow section last night. Most of this ares will have a lot of bits glassed onto it later, hull beams, bridgedeck, cockpit floor, etc. I left primer off these areas and still need to cut the reverse transom shape on the aft end of the hull sides.

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