Saturday, December 10, 2011

Setting Up Building Area

I'm planning to build in my enclosed patio. The area is roughly 35' by 20'. The Woods Vardo is 34' long and will be just under 20' wide. This area where John is standing is actually 38' long so will hopefully be able to get out the door to hang the laundry when one hull is being built. May move one hull outside after the first is done then back in to assemble bridgedeck.

Jeff, another Woods builder in MN recommended foregoing a wood strongback and attached cleats directly to the concrete floor. I strung a line down the floor and spray painted to get a centerline every 4'. The floor is pretty level with one noticeable high spot so I may need a laser level to help get the bulkheads setup.

I also hung an overhead line as recommended by Jim Brown in Searunner Construction Manual. You can see it all lines up pretty well so far. This overhead line and plumb bob will assist in getting bulkheads setup square to the floor.

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