Friday, January 24, 2014

Jumping Around a Bit

I seem to work best when I having several things going. While waited several days for the paint fumes to lessen; I started on the traveler install (28 screws!) lightening grounding plates and forestay attachment/ seagull striker. I also have new materials for the chainplates and will work on them next week during our continued cold snap. Thru hull for head intake double as aft tie down for grounding strip. This is located aft of bulkhead 6A which cutout is above the waterline. So if a strike were to melt the plumbing or whatever, water would only fill that small compartment and not (hopefully) flood the boat. And yes, this is a used thru hull. I pulled it in early 2010 from my fresh water S2 9.2C sailboat. It's literally like new except for the antifouling. It was the galley sink drain and seemed way to small for a sink drain. On that subject, I'm about to head to the home store for a head sink drain. I'm planning to use standard household traps in the head and galley plumbed to PVC pipe straight thru the hull side. These will exit well above the waterline and especially on the galley should help minimize exhaust gases from the engine entering the boat and wave splashes in the tunnel getting back into the sink. If it proves to not work well in the galley, I will use that PVC exit for the bilge pump.

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