Friday, December 14, 2012

Fun with Geometry

Lots of angles in a boat, but most on the Vardo happen to be 15 degrees. The problem with fitting the cabin sides is you create a sill that will trap water if you just but a flat piece against the gunwales. I played around with some scrap for a while on the table saw to sort out the best way to get a shape that would have 5 degrees of positive drainage off the gunwale as well as waste the least amount of wood.
I had found this super nice treated Cypress at home depot a few months ago in with the pine decking. I guess the wrong trees went thru the mill that day, but I could only find 2 in the whole stack. Anyway, have enough for both sills and hatch framing. I used the other piece to make the outer gunwale piece in this hull.

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