Quite inconveniently, the distance between bulkhead 3 and 5 is just over 8 feet. I madeup these large endcap pieces to fill some of the space between the sheet of ply and the bulkheads. Would have been much easier to have fit this prior to cutting in the stringers and putting on the bilges panels, but hadn't worked out the exact sole height. It ends up being a few inches higher than originally designed due to the addition of the stringer along the bilge panel. Anyhow, all sorted now and the top of the sole will be exactly 12" below the designed waterline.
These fore and aft runners will glue to the bottom of the sole. I had originally not decided whether to glass the sole in or make it removable. There seems to be no good way to make it strong, but solid without glassing it in. My current plan is to glass the inboard side of the sole to the hull side and then stop short of the hull on the outboard side, but attach to galley cabinet face. I put the stove up in the attic, but may need to get it back done to get this all laid out.
I got the endcap/ bearers epoxied in this afternoon and will pattern and cut the sole plywood tomorrow if it doesn't all float or blow away overnight!